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Trusting God is not a natural thing. It's an invitation. It's a choice.


Often that invitation boils down to a question: Do I trust Him? 


Thus, the YES necklace: a symbol of faith.


My name is Holly Starr. I have spent many years of my life as a touring musician with a passion for encouraging people to trust God. I write songs about it. I speak about it. I try my best to live it. But I am the first to say it isn't always easy. I constantly need reminding that God is bigger than my circumstances and cares more about them/me than I do. I created the YES necklace to be that gentle reminder on days I forget.


In James 1:27, followers of Jesus are encouraged to care about the needs of orphans and widows. Caring for those in distress is a core value of Christianity, yet admittedly so, I have never really done a lot (or known what to do) for widows. When I began making the YES necklaces, I found myself in a season of witnessing my Grandma Starr struggle through widowhood. Seeing her distress broke my heart in an unexpected way. I gave her a necklace in hopes it would encourage her, and was shocked to see how much that little gift ended up meaning to her. It inspired me see these necklaces an opportunity for embodying that Christian value of not only choosing faith myself, but coming alongside those in distress. Because we don't always know how to reach out, I thought, maybe this can be a bridge for one of those moments? 


I believe that those who suffer should not suffer alone. I have seen the simplest of things restore hope to a broken heart: a phone call, a shared meal, a letter, an invitation.
And a gift as simple as a necklace.


If you have a few minutes, it would mean a lot to me if you would watch the video my brother and I made for you above. It shares the story even better. 


Leaning in,

Holly Starr


PS: It goes without saying that you do not need a necklace to reach out to people who are hurting. The necklace isn't the point, but what it is pointing to. However, if you find them fitting for your circumstances, I am honored to link arms with you in this way :) 


Tell us your story.

Do you have a necklace?

How has it encouraged you?

*Please note your story may be featured. Please specify in your message if you prefer it not to be shared. 

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